Getting Started with Elide

Elide as a Runtime

Installing Elide on your machine is easy. Pick one of the installation methods below.

One-line installer

Supported platforms at this time are darwin-amd64, darwin-arm64, and linux-amd64.

The one-line installer is a Bash script which installs the latest CLI version for your machine's architecture. The script is customizable, and defaults to installing the binary in ~/bin and updating your PATH if needed:

curl -sSL --tlsv1.2 "" | bash -s -

Support for Apt, Brew, and other package managers is coming soon.

Usage from NPM/NPX

The Elide CLI is now available via npm.

Usage from NPX:

npx @elide-dev/elide@alpha --help

Usage from package.json:

npm install --save-dev @elide-dev/elide
yarn add --dev @elide-dev/elide
pnpm add --save-dev @elide-dev/elide
  "devDependencies": {
    "@elide-dev/elide": "latest"

It is recommended to pin a specific CLI version in your package.json.

Elide as a Library

Using Elide as a framework or library is supported for any language on the JVM. Elide's components can be installed like any other Maven dependencies. See the full list of available Maven coordinates on the Packages page.


See docs for the Elide Plugin for Gradle.

In Groovy:

dependencies {
  // for the `core` package:
  implementation "dev.elide:elide-core:<latest-version>"

Or, for the Kotlin DSL:

dependencies {
  // for the `core` package:

Elide doesn't yet have a Maven plugin. However, all Elide packages are available on Maven Central and are usable in a Maven project:

<!-- for the `core` package`: -->
   <version><!-- latest version here --></version>

Next steps

Now that you've installed Elide, you can start writing code! Check out the code samples and tooling guides for your favorite use case.